lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Welcome back to Term IV

Our theme will be about Internet


  • Identify to the Internet as a global network of information exchange.
  • To learn and identify Internet Explorer and other browsers and to know how important is to get information from it.
  • To learn about Web 2.0

Will undertake the following activities:
  1. Explain what Internet is.
  2. Display several videos of Internet security
  3. Use the different types of browsers.
  4. Explain the parts of internet explorer.
  5. The Web 2.0, watch its principal components.
  6. The Social Networks.
    Search educational blogs and wikis. Children begin to explore themselves.

    Class 1 Octuber 15, 2012

    1. What is Internet?


    For parents:

    • Como Funciona Internet (Español):

    Class 2 Octuber 15, 2012

    2. Internet security: (Español) Part 1


    Class 2 Octuber 22, 2012

    2. Internet security: (Español) Part2 

    10 keys to navigate safely online - Activity Clic (please, watch the video)


     Class 3 Octuber 31, 2012

    3. Use the different types of browsers.
    Browser of Internet - Activity clic

    Class 4 November 07, 2012

     4. Explain the parts of internet explorer 9.

    Watch this video to find out what has changed in Internet Explorer 9:


    Class 5 November 13, 2012

    5. The Web 2.0, watch its principal components.

    Class 6 November 26, 2012

     6.  The Social Networks.

    Behavior in Social Networks

    Remember: Your actions have consequences on internet
    Limit the type of information to share
    Having good manners on the Internet
    Limit access to your profile.
    Talking with parents about what you do online

      For Parents:

      OnGuard OnLine (Web En Español)
      Watch the video below:



      "10 ways to navigate safely on the Internet" You need to bring A4 cardboard.
      Deadline for the presentation:
      November 26th 2012, Puppies, Hares and Bear Cubs
      November 28th, 2012, Lemurs, Meerkats and Kittens


      The deadline has been extend for December 03th and 05th 2012.


      "10 ways to navigate safely on the Internet"

      Puppies, Hares and Bear Cubs group work presentation

      Lemurs, Meerkats and Kittens group work presentation